Monday, August 10, 2009

Toothless Wonder

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Sunday Sillies

Taking Joy in the Little Things of Life! Apparently deacons think Laundry Fairies will sneak in and take care of their dirty clothes or that Sunday shirts that are only worn to church don't need washed- either way, Michael turned 12 in October and Tony discovered that his shirt needed washed on Saturday, that special day- unfortunately, I did not get the memo until Sunday at 10:40 (get in the car kids- I don't have a shirt). So, in homage to Chris Farley, we had Fat Guy n a Little Shirt day! It was hilarious- Michael said "I physically can not pass the Sacrament in this shirt!" But somehow he managed!

Katie got in on the sillies. As always, Tori and Jake were arguing in Sacrament and Tony told them to come to him and he would handle it. Not 2 minutes later, Katie whacked Michael. "Katie, what should you have done?" Tony asked- "Whack him harder" (she whacks again) "No," said Tony holding back the laughter (and a hint of pride) "What should you have done Katie?" She thinks., "Oh yeah- pull his hair!"
Oh, we are so proud of our 4 year-old!

My oh my!

Friday, August 7, 2009

First Attempt

OK, I am not a blogger, but I have an awful lot to say, it seems.
Here is my test run.
Any help or advice you can offer would be fabulous!

I love a good sale and have been enjoying running back and forth between OfficeMax penny sale and Payless- both stores have each others coupons. Also, I am counting down for JCPenney and JoAnns' $10 off a $10 purchase.

Anything to not feel guilty about shopping.